Fiction & Nonfiction

Through Norway by Julie Bolitho
Teachings of the Water Buffalo by Lisa Harris
Night Walks by Dorin Schumacher
A Rural January - 15 Days by Chila Woychik

Kurbani (Sacrifice) by Sharbari Ahmed
The Menstrual Hut by Jenny Bitner
A Murmuration by David Desjardins
Old Mick Donald by Bill Konigsberg


Poems by S.R. Aichinger
Six Months Since by Miranda Ardis
The Optimist by Glen Armstrong
Buy Me Flowers by Chelsea Bayouth
Milk Carton by Anna Bernstein
Girls by Elisabeth Blair
Apologia by Adrian Blevins
Poems by Terry Bodine
Poems by Daniel Bourne
A Dogwood by Robert Brussack
New Stretch Marks at 23 by Cathy Cook
Rick's Orchard by Joe Cottonwood
Poems by Holly Day
Poems by John Delaney
Pale Ale by Russell Evatt
Poems by Mike Faran
Poems by Paul Freidinger
What Certain Voice by Peter Grandbois
Poems by Jessie Graybill
Transitive by Jeremy Gregersen
Poems by Steve Hallett
Rain & the Spoiled Child by John Haugh
Chainsaw Artist by Kathleen Hellen
Pretending by Emalohi Iruobe
Overlooking the Ravine by James Croal Jackson
Interior Decoration by Michael Jewell
Postcards from Paris by Julia Caroline Knowlton
The Bully by Sharon Larsen
Poems by Lyn Lifshin
Poems by Jimmy Long
His Daily Walk by Priscilla Long
Detachment by Alex MacConochie
Poems by Vincent Madero
Laughter Really Is Carbonated Holiness by Vicki Mandell-King
On Being a Woman (in ten parts) by Angelica Mercado
Poems by Devon Miller-Duggan
The Poem in Which I Account for Wasted Time by Nicholas Molbert
Remembering His Name by Janice Northerns
Soon by Ronald Pelias
A Pinewood Cabin by Matt Prater
Typically English by Donna Pucciani
The Beauty of the Fork by Rebecca Pyle
Poems by Brian Randall
Imagine by Barb Reynolds
Poems by Benjamin Schmitt
Poems by E.B. Schnepp
Poems by Evan Sheldon
While Waiting for a Streetcar This Morning, the Unknown Fills Me with Wonder by Ahrend Torrey
In Praise of Sarena Moore's Service Dog by Rick Viar
Poems by Mary Warner
Interim by Laura Madeline Wiseman
Dear Sister by Rose Maria Woodson
Poem by Haley Wooning
Poems by Hannah VanderHart
Poems by McKenzie Zalopany




Editor: Mary Crockett Hill
Managing Editor: Abigail Rose
Reviewer: Cameron MacKenzie
Anthology Editor: Elizabeth Bullock
Social Media Interns: Emma Fenton, Kelly MaCluen


Zachary Margrave, Shelby Baney, Emma Fenton, Katie Wismer, Sarah Raines, Cathrine Cone, Elizabeth Bullock, Carolyn Marciniec, Kimberly Dalton, Garrett Simpson, Jenna Novosel, Eesha Imam, Alice Keith, Mariah Lang, Nicole Brobsten

For more about the staff for the 2018 issue, see here.