
Lindsey Warren

Remember to yourself
your shadow’s 
memory, forest-heavy and 

lost by the river
that runs around
your bedroom:  you wonder 

when it sleeps, it wonders
where you put its
last hour, neither of you 

keep track of your more
silver mornings.  
One window sees me as a green 

leaping from silence
to silence, here
following your 

closing circles, your room
losing room to a horizon
big enough for just you, 

me looking
at you, and the stone
the stone threw.

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Lindsey Warren is a recent graduate of Cornell University’s MFA program. She is currently at Cornell not as a student, but as a freshman writing instructor and a creative writing teacher. She has been published in The Fox Chase Review, Broadkill Review, Icarus Down, Secret Lovers Press, Lame Kid Zine, Rubbertop Review, Marathon Review, GASHER Journal, Josephine Quarterly, and Hobart. Lindsey Warren is forthcoming in Dark Wood, Figure 1, Rabid Oak, Anti-Heroin Chic ,and Sorority Mansion Review. An excerpt of her long poem “Incantation” was display as an exhibit at the Biggs Museum in Dover, Delaware. Warren is the recipient of a Delaware Division of the Arts Fellowship and was a finalist for the Delaware Literary Connection Prize and the Joy Harjo Prize.