Between Stars

Jennie Ziegler


NASA Caption: Close up view of some high clouds in Neptune's atmosphere

Author’s Note: This erasure poem was created from a 1989 photo caption from a picture of Neptune taken by Voyager 2 as it flew by the planet, following its twin, Voyager 1, on its way to interstellar space, roughly 12 years into its mission. As these spacecrafts are the windows to our busy and bright universe, we become their witnesses, their interpreters, and their confessors through the wondrous dark.

Jennie B. Ziegler completed her M.F.A. in Nonfiction Writing at the University of Arizona. Her work has been previously nominated for a Pushcart and has been featured in Squawk Back, The Normal School, Essay Daily, Appalachian Review, Crabfat Magazine, Luna Luna Magazine, Atlas and Alice, and Consilience, among other outlets. She has forthcoming work in The Washington Square Review and currently serves as the nonfiction advisor for The Talon Review. She often focuses on the body, folklore, science, and regional identity in her work. Find her at @InTheFourteenth and at

grey. true_the box. Ladder.

Eric Lunde


Author’s Note:

I spent the first year of the plague with Paul Celan. And while watching all the other plagues develop while barricaded in my basement studio/bunker, I started working on a series of poems I titled “Grey. True_ The Box. Laddder” And while I worked through those, I started constructing prints that would interpret the poems graphically. The three presented here at Roanoke Review are from that series. These prints are block prints printed from wood type I found and assembled.

Eric Lunde lives in Minneapolis, MN, USA. With many years of engagement in the arts, he now primarily works in hand-made books, printing, "letter press" of his own design, writing and self-publishing. Samples of his work and activities can be viewed at: