Troubleshooting Failed Connections

V. A. Bettencourt

Abort if explicitly rejected. Implicit rejections
may be a feature or a bug — check with source.
Reboot if inactive for days or if you’ve avoided
sparks for fear of shock. Complex systems lack
simple user interfaces, are dynamic and can be
volatile. Misfires with promising prototypes
should be promptly diagnosed and corrected.
Upgrade to new model if repeated patches
fall flat. Ensure your specifications fit
detectable features: even flagship specimen
flop in incompatible settings. Recovery isn’t
always feasible or desirable. Available sources
that actually listen form superior connections
with suitable counterparts; do not redirect.

V.A. Bettencourt writes poetry and short prose. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Magma Poetry, The American Journal of Poetry, Burningword Literary Journal and SWWIM Every Day, among others.